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100% 5.0 Star Reviews

5 star rating

100% value for money!!

Thomas Redstone

i purchased this unsure if it would benefit me it turned out that it was incredible, beneficial, and value for money. make some more!

i purchased this unsure if it would benefit me it turned out that it was incredible, beneficial, and value for money. make some more!

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5 star rating

Will Come Back Revisit I'm Sure

Jessica Smith

What a brilliant course. Really worth the time and the money. I will come back time and time again to view this I’m sure!

What a brilliant course. Really worth the time and the money. I will come back time and time again to view this I’m sure!

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5 star rating

Extremely informative

Frederick K

Im experienced in ict and purchased this course to further my knowledge. and succeeded. 10/10 would recommend!

Im experienced in ict and purchased this course to further my knowledge. and succeeded. 10/10 would recommend!

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5 star rating


Dylan T

10/10 would recommend

10/10 would recommend

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5 star rating

Very Informative

Ian Smith

Really enjoyed the way the course cut the waffle and only said the really important things. Worked very well on my phone as well.

Really enjoyed the way the course cut the waffle and only said the really important things. Worked very well on my phone as well.

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5 star rating

Great Course

Steve H

Not the usual "How great was I?" stuff and much more useful because of that...Rorie obviously knows his stuff and wants everyone else to benefit from his exp...

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Not the usual "How great was I?" stuff and much more useful because of that...Rorie obviously knows his stuff and wants everyone else to benefit from his experience.

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5 star rating

Well Done

Ed H

If you read or listen to a story and instinct tells you it is correct than the author is probably on to something. Keep drawing on your experiences, keep ...

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If you read or listen to a story and instinct tells you it is correct than the author is probably on to something. Keep drawing on your experiences, keep enticing people to learn... Well done

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5 star rating

Really Good


The Best IT Leadership course I've ever seen...cuts to the chase and made me laugh a few times as well. Thanks!

The Best IT Leadership course I've ever seen...cuts to the chase and made me laugh a few times as well. Thanks!

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5 star rating

Highly recommended

J Green

Found this course really helpful. Lots of ideas and advice that got me thinking as well as practical examples of successful strategies and advice on how to m...

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Found this course really helpful. Lots of ideas and advice that got me thinking as well as practical examples of successful strategies and advice on how to manage complicated projects. Highly recommend.

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5 star rating

Concise Wisdom

Jack Hufher

I loved the simple, concise format of this course. Full of bite sized wisdom and instant takeaways to 'try now'. Rather than a massive tome of boring managem...

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I loved the simple, concise format of this course. Full of bite sized wisdom and instant takeaways to 'try now'. Rather than a massive tome of boring management theory, busy execs can watch this course on a train journey and get instant value. Highly recommended.

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5 star rating

Top Drawer

Caleb Pritchard

Really enjoyed this course. Lots of things I need to work on for me but I know how I need improve now.

Really enjoyed this course. Lots of things I need to work on for me but I know how I need improve now.

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How To Be A Hero CIO | CTO

What you will learn

Everything you need to know to be a super successful Tech Leader and take your business impact to the next level...

  • More than 100 chunks of actionable insight

  • Mobile friendly

  • View as many times as you like

The CTO | CIO Bible

The highest rated CTO book on Amazon

Also available by Rorie is the CTO ¦ CIO Bible paperback and eBook which is currently the highest rated CTO book on Amazon and is consistently in the Top Ten Amazon Best Seller list...


Course Excerpt

Don’t neglect face-to-face leadership…line management activities such as weekly 30 minute 1:1s with direct reports, weekly leadership team meetings, quarterly all team meetings and annual appraisals are very important to your team members…

Using something like Slack will reduce the number of meetings and emails you use to communicate and collaborate with your team and allow you to communicate in ways you hadn’t had access to before.

Slack is a great way to maintain relationships with people in teams that a CTO ¦ CIO might not normally interact with very often such as Operations and Customer Services.

At a recent interim gig I noticed in the Slack #customer-comms channel widespread unhappiness with what I thought was a minor bit of friction in the customer sign up process. I got the issue fixed and the customer facing teams were over the moon. It wasn’t an issue they would ever have emailed the CTO about so I might not ever have heard about it without channel based communication.

Be A Hero CIO | CIO

After viewing this course you will understand how a Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics framework can be used to be a Hero CIO ¦ CTO as well as other goals such as delivering company business plans...

The Objectives looked at include Urgency, Clarity, Delivery, Agility, Simplicity and Accountability...

The Strategies examined include Business Success, Competitive Advantage, What And How, Definition Of Done, Relationships, Playing Nicely With Product and Decision Making...

The Tactics looked at include Talent, Hiring, Results v Relationships, Brilliant Basics, Small Is Beautiful, Problems Not Solutions, Professionalism, Culture, Communication, Leadership and Giving Praise...

Also covered are What is a CIO ¦ CTO?, Game Changers, Silver Bullets and an example Business Strategy and Tech MOST....

Meet The Author

Rorie is the only person to have been featured on the cover of CIO Magazine twice, has held more than twenty interim and permanent CTO ¦ CIO roles and was awarded IT Leader of The Year by Computing magazine.

In How To Be A Hero CIO ¦ CTO Rorie Devine covers everything you need to know to be a Super Successful CTO ¦ CIO with the odd bit of humour and more than 100 chunks of actionable insight..

Raising The Talent Bar

Course Excerpt

Everyone says that hiring the best talent possible is the most important thing...and they’re right…but…you need a spectrum of talent in every team.

Not all of a team’s responsibilities are cool or ground breaking so a team consisting solely of high performers struggles to keep everyone equally challenged and motivated…

Don’t make the mistake of setting the hiring bar so high that very few people ever get hired. I have seen many teams struggle because nobody could ever match their unrealistically high hiring standards…

Being flexible on office hours, working from home arrangements, office/remote locations and interim or permanent engagements may unlock the door to getting the talent you need to be successful.

Bonus material

As well as access to all 12 video lessons you will receive

  • Free Course PDF

    Course customers can download a free 124 page PDF summarising the key points of the course

  • End Of Section Quizzes

    Test your knowledge with the fun end of section quizzes...

  • 1:1 Learning

    Course customers also get private email access to Rorie to ask him questions specific to their problem ¦ challenge ¦ opportunity...



Jane Sampson

I think this course will become thought of as one of the all time classics on high impact tech's up there with Good To Great, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and so on in terms of the effect it can have on your career if you put some of the ideas and approaches into action. Watch it!

At Last

Tracey W

A course written by someone who has been there and done it and is speaking from personal experience. I love the format of small bits of ideas/suggestions/observations and it makes it very easy to dip in and out of when you have time. Well worth the's advice money normally can't buy,

This Course Totally Changed My Approach

Ian Brown

I don't normally like this sort of thing so I didn't have high hopes when I saw this course but I was having a lot of problems leading change so I thought "what the hell?" and gave it a go. I can honestly say it was 100 times more useful than I thought it would be and I immediately starting writing things down that I would do differently. I got huge value from the course and I'm sure most people will. Really really good. Thanks for putting it together.

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Increased Urgency

Course Excerpt

If you think about all of the great people you’ve worked with in the past some of the things that they probably have in common are that they are passionate about what they do, they have positive energy and they bring URGENCY.
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